

Mediation is a unique dispute resolution process where the parties resolve all of their parenting and financial issues in divorce, custody and child support, in ways that are practicable to them.  The mediation attorney at Mack & Associates has attended special training in alternate methods of dispute resolution in divorce and custody matters.  Based on the principle of self-determination mediation guides the parties to come to voluntary, uncoerced decisions where each makes free and informed choices as to the process and outcomes.  Mediation assists parties to identify issues, clarify perceptions and explore options for a mutually acceptable outcome.  Issues addressed in Mediation could include, but are not limited to:

  • Parenting time
  • Identifying marital assets
  • Costs of living separate and apart
  • Amount and duration of support



Mediation is a confidential, non-adversarial process helping people negotiate directly with one another to resolve issues of divorce, custody or child support once a decision is made to live separate and apart.  The important aspects of mediation are that it is:

  • Non-adversarial
  • Mutually empowers both parties
  • Helps clarify areas of conflict
  • Improves communication and relationships with each other
  • Produces lasting agreements
  • Reduces stress with the adversarial process
  • Reduces costs
  • Best for your children


You and your spouse, or partner, meet with the Mediator to determine the issues needing to be resolved.  Based on the issues, you work together to find a mutually acceptable outcome on all of the issues identified.  This process can take one to several hours depending on the complexity of the issues.  You may have an attorney with you, if you choose.

Mediation allows you and your spouse, or partner, to tailor a result that works for both of you and retain control of the major decisions in your life without handing them over to a judge who does not know as much about your needs and the needs of your children as you do.

Upon resolving the issues, an agreement will be drawn up by the Mediator, which you may choose to have reviewed by an attorney and/or take to the Court to be included in a Judgment or Order.

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(518) 465-1451